Thursday, October 18, 2018

No Matter What Happens

“When you have problems, and you’ve reached your limit, and you’re desperate, open your heart and turn to Me in prayer and see what happens.  When you are overwhelmed, turn to Me for strength and courage and something very unexpected will happen.  You’ll find a source of love and wisdom deep inside you that you have never imagined you had.  That is prayer being answered.

Walk with Me, love Me, love your sisters and brothers, your friends and enemies, and you’ll discover Me walking with you, and loving people all around you, and the strength of the Holy Spirit deep within you to help you survive life in peace no matter what happens.  Seek the blessings of My presence and I will fill your soul with peace and joy.  I will love you and sustain you all the days of your life.”

When you walk with Me, your problems become My problems and together we will 
overcome.  “If I am for you, who can be against you?”       Romans 8:22
 Come with Me, we are one, centered in love, living creatively in the love, and peace, and joy, and mystery of creation.”

Lord, I live in awe and wonder of the power and the glory of Your love and presence within me and in all of creation.  Thank you for lifting me up out of death and desperation into the light of Your love and for filling me with Your Holy Spirit from above.  Thank You for walking with me, guiding and directing me, loving and protecting me every day.

Lord how may I glorify You today?

“Whatever you have learned and received, and heard from Me, or seen in Me, put it into practice.  And the God of peace will be with you.”       Philippians 4:9

“Rejoice in Me and let your loving spirit be made know to everyone so that all may know what it’s like to walk with God.”             Philippians 4:4-5

Come Lord Jesus come, we are one.  Let it be unto me as You say.  May all that is You overflow from me this day.

“It is unto you as you pray, and think, and do, and say.  I am alive in you and with you all the way.”


Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Walk with me in a deep loving relationship

"Walk with me in a deep loving relationship and let my love overflow
from you to everyone.
Listen to My whispers of love and become my love in the world. 
Love others as I have loved you. 
Rejoice in My love and let it flow from Me to your sisters and brothers. 
Let My love shine brightly so all can see what it’s like to walk with Me.

The Mystery of My love lies deep within your soul.  It is
the unlimited source of all that is and all that makes you whole.
My divine love gives you new life and energy for all eternity."

"Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor heart imagined what I have
prepared for you who love Me and seek Me."  1 Corinthians 2:9

"Seek Me and you will find me.  Ask and your will receive Me.
Knock and I will open the door to the Kingdom of Heaven."
Matthew 7:7.

Lord, let it be unto me as You say. 
I live in awe and wonder of the power and the glory and
the energy of Your love and presence within me and within all
of Creation.

Thank You for creating me to be one of Your children, to live in
Your image of love, and to be one with you.

Lord, how may I glorify You today?

“Share My love and all that you have seen and learned from Me.
Let My love shine brightly for all to see that I am in you and you
are in Me.”

Come Lord Jesus Come.  We Are One.   May all that is You overflow
from me.

“It is unto you as you pray, and think, and do and say.
I am alive in you and with you all the way."

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Ask, Seek, Knock

“Ask, seek, knock, and the door to the Kingdom of Heaven will open.  The more you seek My love, the more you’ll experience My love, the more you’ll awaken to that deep and wondrous inner knowing of My love, the more you’ll emerge to be like Me and do as I do.”

Lord, I live in awe and wonder of the power, and the glory, and the wisdom of Your love and presence with me and within all creation. 

How may I glorify You today?

“Walk with Me, seek my love, experience my love, embrace my love, and awaken to that deep, deep knowing of My love and you’ll emerge in My image.  Go now and let My loving spirit be made known to everyone so that all may know what it’s like to walk with God.  Let your love your love light shine for all to see that I am in you and you are in Me.  Invite everyone to come walk with us in the love of God.”

Come Lord Jesus Come.  We Are One.  Let it be unto me as You say.  May all that is You overflow from me today.

“It is unto you as your pray, and think, and do and say.  I am with you all the way.”

“Keep asking, and you will receive what you ask for.  Keep on seeking, and you will find what you’re seeking.  Keep knocking and the door will be opened to you.”  Matthew 7:7

Thursday, September 8, 2016

You Are Blessed To Be A Blessing

While taking some time off in Albuquerque, New Mexico, while my wife, Leslie was attending Richard Rohr's Living School for Action and Contemplation, I was exploring Old Town Plaza, when suddenly a young mother with her 12 year old daughter walked up to me and the mother, with tears in her eyes, very humbly and nervously pleaded with me to help them.  She said she had recently left her husband, and that she had a job, but they couldn’t make ends meet.  I ask how I could help them and she said they needed food.  I ask her name and with a look of delight on her face, she said “Thank You” and told me their names. I assume she had been disrespected by others that she had ask for help, and not valued as human being.  I gave them money for food and as they were thanking me, I asked if I could give them a hug.  She said yes and we hugged, then I hugged her daughter and told them that God loves them.  The mother said that the hug was what they needed most and thanked me enthusiastically for caring.  I said God Bless you both and turned to walk away and the mother grabbed my hand, looked into my eyes and said, “You are very strong.”

Unknowingly at the time, with the Holy Spirit as my guide, I gave this mother and daughter love and hope and support at a time when they really needed it.  The mother was obviously broken and lonely, and to her the hug was a gesture of love and encouragement.  

On reflection later, I realized that I have been blessed abundantly by God’s love and presence in my life, and know that I was created to be a blessing to others.  I was delighted to bless this young mother and daughter, and surprised to be blessed so richly by the thanks and appreciation they gave back to me.

Now I really know the meaning of what Jesus meant when He said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.”  Acts 20:35

It also reminded me of Hebrews 13:2, “Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for in doing so some have entertained angels without realizing it.”

“Whatever you do for one of the least of your brothers and sisters you do for Me.”  Matthew 25:40

Thank You Father for blessing me so abundantly so that I may be a blessing to others.  Thank You for the opportunities to show Your love to my sisters and brothers. 

Lord how may I glorify You in this new day?

God, “Share your spiritual experiences with others.  Share the stories of what happens when you love and bless others, as I have loved and blessed you.  Go out and be a blessing to everyone you meet.

Lord, let it be unto me as You say.  May all that is You overflow from me to everyone this day.

God, “It is unto you as you pray.  I live within you and I am with you all the way.”