“When you have problems, and you’ve reached your limit, and you’re desperate, open your heart and turn to Me in prayer and see what happens. When you are overwhelmed, turn to Me for strength and courage and something very unexpected will happen. You’ll find a source of love and wisdom deep inside you that you have never imagined you had. That is prayer being answered.
Walk with Me, love Me, love your sisters and brothers, your friends and enemies, and you’ll discover Me walking with you, and loving people all around you, and the strength of the Holy Spirit deep within you to help you survive life in peace no matter what happens. Seek the blessings of My presence and I will fill your soul with peace and joy. I will love you and sustain you all the days of your life.”
When you walk with Me, your problems become My problems and together we will
overcome. “If I am for you, who can be against you?” Romans 8:22
Come with Me, we are one, centered in love, living creatively in the love, and peace, and joy, and mystery of creation.”
Lord, I live in awe and wonder of the power and the glory of Your love and presence within me and in all of creation. Thank you for lifting me up out of death and desperation into the light of Your love and for filling me with Your Holy Spirit from above. Thank You for walking with me, guiding and directing me, loving and protecting me every day.
Lord how may I glorify You today?
“Whatever you have learned and received, and heard from Me, or seen in Me, put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.” Philippians 4:9
“Rejoice in Me and let your loving spirit be made know to everyone so that all may know what it’s like to walk with God.” Philippians 4:4-5
Come Lord Jesus come, we are one. Let it be unto me as You say. May all that is You overflow from me this day.
“It is unto you as you pray, and think, and do, and say. I am alive in you and with you all the way.”