Thursday, April 24, 2014

You Have Seen The Glory

"You have seen the glory and honor that the Father has lavished on Me, His Son.
You have heard His majestic voice echo from the heavens saying, "This is My beloved Son, and My favor rests on Him."  Now you have full confirmation of the message of the prophets.  You would do well to pay close attention to these words.  They are like a light that shines for you in the darkness of night until the day dawns when the morning star rises in your heart."
                                              2 Peter 1:17-19

Lord, I have seen Your glory and heard Your voice.  I have received Your Light of Love and Truth, and I live in awe and wonder of the power of Your love.

Jesus, how may I glorify You today?

"Now that you have seen the Light and heard the voice of God, obey His commandments to be a light to the world, and shine the Light of truth into the darkness.  Speak on behalf of God through the Holy Spirit that lives within you."        2 Peter 1:20-21

"Rejoice in Me and testify to what I have done in your life!"

Lord, let it be unto me as You say.  I am honored and delighted to obey.  Jesus, may all that is You flow into me so that I may shine Your light for all to see.

"It will be unto you as you pray.  I live within you and I am with you all the way!"

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