Sunday, January 4, 2015

Where Is The Joy In Your Life?

“Open your mind, body, heart and soul to the Mystery of Life and you’ll find your joy in Me.  Know that I live within you and that I am with you always.  Experience My Presence and know the peace, and joy and even ecstasy you were made for. Look for My presence in everyone and everything. Seek the deep joy and contentment of the authentic experience of the Divine.”

God, I find my joy in You, in Your love, in Your presence in my life, and in the beauty of Your creation.  I live in awe and wonder of who You are and what You have done for me.
Thank You Father, Son and Holy Spirit for being my God and for living within me.

How may I glorify You today and everyday?

“Share your testimony.  Share the story of the first time you experienced My presence.  Tell everyone of the joy and delight you experienced when you heard My whispers of love in poetry.
Share the deep joy and contentment you felt when you knew that I was with you and that everything would be alright in your life.

Teach others how to find their joy in Me.  Show others how you found your joy.”

Lord, let it be unto me as You say.  It is my honor and delight to share my love, joy and peace in You with everyone.  May all come to know Your love and wisdom just as I have.  May all that is You overflow from me for all to see.

“It is unto you as you pray.  I live within you and I am with you all the way."

Father, I pray the scripture in Ephesians 3.

“May Your glorious riches strengthen me and all your people with the power of the Holy Spirit so that Christ may live in our hearts through our faith.  May love be the rich soil where our lives take roots.  May it be the bedrock where our lives are founded so that together we will have the power to understand how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses all knowledge and experience, so that Your fullness may flood through our entire being.”
Ephesians 3:16-19

“Because you believe in he awe-inspiring things that I have done, things greater that you could ask or imagine, through the power at work within you, you have glorified Me and My Son Jesus from this generation to the next, forever and ever.  Amen.” 
Ephesians 3:20-21

"You who believe in the name of My Son Jesus know that you have eternal life. And this boldness you have in Him, that if you ask anything according to His will, He hears you. And if you know He hears you in whatever you ask, you know that you have obtained the requests made of Him."                                I John 5: 13-15

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